Wednesday, 6 June 2007

Mark 1: 40-41 Moved with Compassion

A leper came... He must have had some hope that this man would do something for him. And how did he find out? Lepers were (are?) outcasts, they didn't live with uninfected people. Separated from family, synagogue and community - alone.

Anyway, as Christ's fame for healing and casting out demons spread, the leper thought that maybe there was a something Christ could do in his case. And he "came"...Jesus is attractive!

The filthy leper comes, he implores and kneels down and asks. I should show my faith more.

And his question doesn't have a question mark. It is a statement of fact and of faith. "You can do anything You want to, even make me clean."

But is Jesus willing? Would He stoop to heal a smelly, dirty outcast, a God-forsaken person ( I guess a "good" Jew would remember when God punished Miriam and Elisha's servant with leprosy - so they may have thought that every case was a punishment from God. - I imagine most lepers felt God-forsaken)

Jesus cared - He was moved. Wow the first emotion Mark records is compassion. I guess I would be too. I've seen deformed beggars but I certainly couldn't do what Jesus could do, maybe give some money but not "cleaning" from leprosy!

Jesus acted before he spoke, reached out and "touched him". He broke with the old laws and norms. He actually touched the untouchable. This man's greatest need was not even cleaning, it was human contact he craved. Like us all, his greatest need was to be loved. To be touched.

Jesus came through. He loved enough to richly bless an outcast with the love he craved.

Then he spoke.. "I am" The name God used when He
rescued Israel from Egypt.

"I am willing". Great news. The Son of God is willing! Heaven is willing!

"Be cleansed"

Say it to me, Jesus.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes,that's all it takes! One touch! Intimate contact with Jesus; breaking through the barrier of loneliness and self doubt. Communion with the infinite God. An end of searching. An endless longing for more of God; a deeper friendship. Never fully satisfied; He always has more of Himself to give. Always wanting to touch us again and again and again. Touch me now Lord and I will be healed!

Geoff P