Friday, 13 July 2007

Mark 2:13-17 Follow Me

This Jesus, who by forgiving sin does greater miracles than He does by healing paralysis, now shows what forgiveness is in practice. He demonstrates that enemies (sin and sickness) are not to be feared "for the LORD your God, the great and awesome God, is among you
Deuteronomy 7:21

Jesus concentrates on teaching, then He calls Levi (Matthew) to discipleship. His teaching demands a radical change such as Levi's was. As Levi was the worst of sinners, a dreaded tax collector.

But even converted tax collectors have friends! So Matthew hosts a dinner to introduce Jesus to his friends, tax collectors and sinners! I wonder what sort of person you have to be to earn the sobriquet of 'sinner'?

It was no little gathering because it uses the word 'many' is use twice in verse 15 but the most interesting thing is that "they followed Him". Jesus is attractive to sinners! No need to be afraid.

But the self-righteous ones disliked this fraternisation and complained to Jesus' disciples. They weren't up to challenging Christ Himself, or maybe they were just creating doubt. But actually it creates the opposite because I once heard a liberal theologian saying that you can only believe those parts of the gospels that were against the social norms of the time. So, even by this sorry logic, Jesus willingly associates with sinners! Good news indeed!

In any case it got back to Jesus who comes up with a great line on many levels. True the well don't need a doctor, only the sick. So Jesus came to call, not the righteous but sinners!

That is against the social norms of our degenerate day, let alone His! I want "a better class of people", 'nice people', 'good Christians" at my church and dinner table. But Jesus was, and is. on a mission, one that actively calls, even the rejects of society, to become disciples.

The truly 'righteous' don't need to be called because they are already with Christ.

And the 'self-righteous' scribes and Pharisees are not being called as they are far too busy building up their 'self worth' by calling others 'sinners'. They don't feel any need of forgiveness. And theyobviously don't believe even miracles of healing can show that Jesus can forgive. "You have to work hard to be forgiven", they say.

Jesus is clear on his mission. He has come to call sinners and forgive them. He is looking for sinners, he wants to be with them, even eat and drink with them. And they responded.

He still says "Follow Me"... Who wouldn't?

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