Saturday, 5 May 2007

Get Ready

Mark 1: 2-5

Mark quotes from Malachi 3:1 and Isaiah 40:3 he quotes selectively to emphasise :
  1. A messenger or voice saying...
  2. "Prepare the way...
  3. for the LORD"
Mark respects the prophets, yes he studied his Bible.

So how does "My messenger" prepare the way for the Son of God? By John dunking people in the wild reaches of the Jordan river. Strange advertising campaign.

But it seems to have worked, at least for many of the citizens of Jerusalem and Judea who heard John's preaching, were convicted of their own sin, confessed it and were baptised.

Getting ready for the Son of God is about my heart. It involves a realisation that I have offended God, and a publicly expressed desire to change my ways.

Am I ready to meet this Person?

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