Monday, 7 May 2007

Mark 1:6-8 Mightier Than I

John mimicked the way the mighty prophet Elijah dressed . Elijah, the prophet who would usher in the " great and terrible day of the LORD"

The people respected John and came for his baptism of "remission of sins". They wanted the freedom from sins, the forgiveness, that he preached.

But John was under no illusions as to his ministry - it was weak as water. "The coming One is mightier, so mighty I can't even touch His foot. And He will really baptise you."

John with "all" those people watching, at the height of his fame pointed beyond what he could do. He pointed to a better baptism. The baptism of the Spirit.

Now this is advertising at its best. "I'll give you the sample, to create a hunger for the real thing".

If forgiveness and remission is only the sample, the baptism of the Holy Spirit must be "mightier" as well.

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