Thursday, 24 May 2007

Mark 1:23 Unclean Spirits

As Jesus teaches a man cries out, a man "with an unclean spirit".
How many people in my church are possessed? How can I tell?
What is an unclean spirit? This definition is not bad. So these are the angels of the devil.

"Leave." he says, "What have we to do with You, Jesus of Nazareth?".
What riled them ("we" and "us")? Was it just His presence? Had they been watching Him growing up in Nazareth, just 30km away? Why did they think He might want to destroy them?

The unclean spirit "knew" Jesus as the "Holy One of God". The old stories tell of the war in heaven between heavenly angels and the dragon "called the Devil and Satan" and his angels. Satan's side lost and was sent to the earth (Why here?) So these spirits probably knew Christ from eons past and had even met Him on the battlefield. They knew God's Holy One when they saw Him. And they once again acknowledged His authority.

We now have the main protagonists and their followers. The Son Of God and his disciples and Satan and his unclean spirits.

What will happen now? Who wins this round?


Anonymous said...


Thanks for sharing this link - but unfortunately it seems to be down? Does anybody here at have a mirror or another source?


Bruce Thompson said...

Oliver, thanks for reading. I've just tried all the links on this post and they all work for me. Which link is broken?

Anonymous said...


This is a inquiry for the webmaster/admin here at

Can I use some of the information from your blog post right above if I give a link back to your site?


Bruce Thompson said...

No problem Alex,