Sunday, 27 May 2007

Mark 1:21-28 With Authority He Commands

The unclean spirit recognises that Jesus is more than a normal human, so when Jesus orders him out, he complies. Yay! Jesus wins again. He beat the devil in wilderness and now the underling spirit is trounced.

Jesus rebukes the spirit very simply - no fancy, long-winded exorcism just "Quiet... and get out!". The Son of God's words have power.

The spirit tries to hang on and convulses the victim and then cries out. Maybe this is how people knew that the man was possessed. Not only did he have convulsions but he yelled in a voice that was not his own. Then he is gone - to destruction?

Even though He spoke simply (or maybe because of the intriguing combination of dramatic results from a few words) the synagogue's congregation is amazed at Jesus' authority. Authority in both teaching and healing - He obviously generates respect.

Do I respect His authority? Does Jesus exercise this authority in my life? I don't think so. Maybe, like those people, I should spread His fame. But what would I talk about?

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